Saturday, November 10, 2012

Making a Difference: Congresswoman Louise Slaughter

Sam is away at Boy Scout Camp and I am sitting alone at my computer reflecting over the last couple of months.  There are moments in life where you realize that you turned a corner and tonight was one of them.  Sam and I made that 90 degree turn when we met Congresswoman Louise Slaughter.

I know that our paths have shifted because our life will never be the same since meeting Louise.  I know I am speaking for Sam but I am positive that Louise has made a lasting impact on teaching him how to better acoelmate to the world.  I know that Sam is better for learning from Louise's example. She is a smart, classy lady for sure.

 This is our story of meeting Congresswoman Louise Slaughter:

Sam and I woke up one morning this last September and needed to get ready for the Positively Pink Walk (a fundraiser for Breast Cancer) where he was the official photographer.  I remember being exhausted and I looked awful.  I was looking forward to the event but I was so stressed out that I didn't care how I looked.  I knew that Sam and I would be meeting the Congresswoman and after meeting lots of politicians I wasn't really excited at the fact that we would be meeting another politician.  I am not political and I felt at the time (I no longer feel this way)  that once you met one politician you have met all of them. (no offense to any politician) I remember working hard on keeping Sam on task so he wouldn't lose interest before she showed.  The car pulls up, she gets out of the car and I see this face that just lights up when she first meets Sam.  Louise starts talking and I hear the southerner in her voice and I was instantly intrigued.

Sam took some shots and Sam and I listened when she stood up to the mic and started talking.  The first thing I heard her say was how she feels about the need for better health care for woman.  I'm thinking, "Yea, yea, yea, health care, blah, blah, blah."  Instead when she said that she was a Microbiologist and she knows a thing or two she had my total attention.  Afterwards, I gave Louise the Parent Magazine where Sam was on the cover and she had him sign it.  I talked to her afterward kicking myself for not looking better and for not caring how I looked. Oh well, I was tired.

A special Shout out to Embrace Your Sisters.  You all put on a fantastic event.  Sam and I had so much fun meeting all of the great folks at the walk.

A few days later I received an email from Louise's Campaign Manager and asked if Sam would like to be the photographer at an upcoming press release.  It was at the Susan B. Anthony House in Downtown Rochester, NY.  The crazy thing was that I had written back to Liam (the Campaign Manager) and told him a little bit about myself.  He asked if I would speak at the event.  When I was standing there next to the Congresswoman I felt like Forest Gump. I'm thinking, "What the heck am I doing up here!"  

The most amazing thing about this experience is that one of my goals for Sam was to have him have the ability to take pictures of people.  Before this, Sam didn't want humans in his photos.  Sometime our loved ones with Autism don't like to make eye contact.  Sam looks through is viewfinder to take the photo.  It just looks like the person is looking him into the eyes.  It is kinda cool if you think about it.

After the event, Sam hugged the Congresswoman and we went to the car.  Sam turned to me and said, "I really like Congresswoman Louise."

I just love taking shots of Sam doing his thing.

The second event was at the Democratic Campaign Headquarters.  That will be a day that I will always remember.  We arrived at the Headquarters and we went inside.

I don't know what I thought it would look like but it was interesting.

Two cool guys working hard for Louise. (My chemo brain doesn't allow me to remember names)

I always find it interesting on what photos Sam decides to take.

Sam and I were waiting for the Congresswoman and he decided to take some creative shots.

We listened to Louise and then we went home.  I had so much fun uploading these photos from that day.

This is my favorite photo of the Congresswoman.

The final press release was at the Rochester Public Market.  What I remember from that event was the positive energy in the air and Sam clapping loudly as he was screaming, "Woo Hoo!"  I knew at that moment that Sam was part of the campaign.

A few days before the election I had written to Liam telling him that Sam and I were thinking of them and sending well wishes.  He wrote back and invited us to the Hyatt Hotel for Election Night.  I had no idea what that was so I put Sam in his suite and tie (I got smart and used a clip on because I don't know the over, over, under routine of putting on a tie.)  I wore my uncomfortable dress.

I will never forget standing by the elevators talking to the Channel 13 guys while we were waiting for the Congresswoman to come down from her hotel room to make her acceptance speech.  I am always introducing myself and Sam so I said, "Hi, I am Sam's Mom and Sam is the "official" photographer of the Louise Slaughter Campaign.  The video guy said that he remembered meeting us at the Susan B. Anthony House.  As soon as I said who we were the news reporter was texting on his phone.  Every time I say who Sam is to a news reporter they are always texting to someone.  Maybe they are asking their news directors if Sam is a story.  It would be really cool if that is what they are doing.  What a compliment that would be.

I just love this photo that Sam shot while waiting for Louise.

One of the most exciting things (beside Louise winning) was meeting the photography students from RIT.  They were a great group of students and they really enjoyed Sam.  I was watching as one of the students was giving Sam direction on how to take a good photograph.  After I loaded Sam's election photos on his page one of the students shared it on a photojournalism page.  It was at that moment that I realized that Louise had hired Sam to be her Photojournalist.  Wow, my son, who was diagnosed with Autism at age three, who the educational system feels that he is low functioning was taking photos along side college students who were learning to be photojournalists.  I think that is the coolest thing ever.

After the Congresswoman's acceptance speech Sam wanted to say goodbye to Louise.  First Sam wanted to meet Louise's daughter.  We pushed through the crowd and said our hellos.  Sam finally got to say goodbye and as soon as Louise was saying  "Thank you for being here" the cameras came around.  You can see on the news clip how much Louise cares about Sam.  Sam stood there patiently waiting for Louise to finish.  That is the remarkable thing about Louise, the Autism always takes a back seat when we are at her events.

Louise's staff had asked us to stick around and they invited us up to her hotel room to meet the family.  I was dumbfounded.  I will never forget sitting next to Louise not knowing what to say.  I am a meat and potatoes kind of talker and small talk failed me.  I remember what I was thinking.  I was thinking that I wished Louise was my family.

Sam's photo of himself before saying goodnight to Louise.

Thank you Louise for teaching me the human side of politics.  I pay attention and listen more.  I take an interest in what people are saying.   Most importantly I want to be involved.  I want to make difference by advocating for better legislation to protect our loved ones with all different abilities.  I am liking this view from around the corner.  Last but not least, thank you for caring about Sam.  I will never forget how you always introduced Sam as your "official" photographer.  By your example, Sam knows that if you work really hard that success can be your reward.


*Find more of Sam's photos at &

*The background of this blog was a picture that Sam took while looking for Salmon.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Genesee Valley Parent Magazine and Hochstein

A few weeks back I was working on my emails and I get this message, "Hey Deb, would you write into the Genesee Valley Parent Magazine's Special Needs Issue? "  The message came from Maria Battista-Hancock who is the chair of the Music Therapy and Expressive Arts program at Hochstein. The magazine was looking for success stories of kids with Special Needs.

Whenever something huge happens for Sam, ninety percent of the time it happens because somebody either told me, asked me or they brainstormed with me on how to make things happen.  I am not alone in this photography project and for that I am grateful.

My answer to Maria was an outstanding, "Yes!"  I love Sam's story about his successes at Hochstein so I quickly wrote into GVPM and that is all it took to get the ball rolling.  You see, Maria was the catalyst to Sam's first photography show at Starry Nites last April for Autism Awareness Month.  Maria is the force that moves Sam forward with his photography at Hochstein.  In addition to all of that, Maria is my friend.

This is Sam's snapshot of Maria and me.

This is Maria doing what she loves at Sam's Photography show "Autism Does Not Define Me" at Starry Nites. (Photo taken by Renee Hall Photography)

After I wrote into GVPM I received an email that was sent out to the Hochstein staff, "Our wonderful Debra is going to write to GVPM."  Wow!  I send out a big heartfelt, "Thank You!" to Maria.

GVPM accepting our story about Sam and his experience with the Music Therapy and Expressive Arts program at Hochstein  was a thrill for me.  I look forward every September when the Specical Needs Issue comes out so I can find as many resources for Sam.  The stories are uplifing and these special articles give me the means to continue on with my journey with Sam.  Pride pours into me as I see the article and have the knowledge that Sam will be giving others hope as they walk their path that is their story.

This is one Sam's photos GVPM used for their article.

Jillian Melynk, editor for GVPM, was the first person to contact me to inform me that they accepted Sam's story.  After I read the email I threw up my arms straight up into the air and shouted, "Touchdown!"  That is how I pat myself on the back for doing my job as Sam's Mom and being successful.  I think I probably let out and additional, "Woop! Woop!".  I enjoy my successes when I work hard to move further ahead with Sam.

Jillian and I sent emails back and forth for the interview.  I enjoyed telling her Sam's story and how Sam works with Music and Photography to work towards being a successful adult in the community.

The Hochstein story becomes complete when I talk about Joe, Sam's Therapist.  The photography story starts with Joe as I came up with the idea to use Sam's fascination with cameras to foster better reading skills.  It is Joe that advocated for Sam to use his photography in conjunction with music when Maria came on board as the Chair of the Music Therapy and Expressive Arts Program at Hochstein.  I chuckle as Joe tells me that I am like his mother when I give glowing reports on his abilities as a therapist.  I reply, "Am I old enough to be your mother?  Geez thanks!"  I say this in jest because it is a wonderful compliment.  And no, I am not old enough to be his mother.

This is Joe and Sam introducing Sam's video (Photos/Music) at the Music Therapy and Expressive Arts Summer performance.

What Joe accomplishes with Sam is phenominal.  He is a master of his chosen profession.  I would like to quote Joe as he explains what he does with Sam.

Sam's photography has organically become part of his music therapy sessions.  When Sam first brought his camera in, we used a song to teach him how to hold the camera and different ways to take a picture. 

Sam's first photo with Joe during that session.  This photo now hangs in one of the therapy rooms at Hochstein.

We also improvised music to accompany Sam's photography to explore the emotions the photos exude. Sam has engaged in Musical Executive Functioning Training which develops reasoning, planning, organization and decision making to create original compositions based on the elements of his photos.  Sam has used one of these compositions to gain insight into what it means to be different from others. 

Joe continues to say...

Sam works on a variety of skills including attention, executive functioning skills, interpersonal communication and using music and instruments to regulate his sensory system.  Sam has grown in a variety of ways.  He has improved his attention skills, reasoning and decision making skills, interpersonal skills including eye-contact and interacting with a variety of people in a variety of situations.  Most of all, Sam has developed a sense of who he is as a person, what makes him special and his self confidence has exploded.

When asked, "What do you like best about working with children with specials needs?"  Joe's response brings me to tears.

As with all my clients, I find great enjoyment in engaging individuals in music, using the music to accept them for who they are and discovering and developing new abilities to bring them closer to their full human potential.

Kudos Joe for a job well done.  Maria, Joe and Sam are breaking new ground for using photography with music in a therapeutic setting.  I am super proud to watch them as their story unfolds with Sam.

This is a photo that Maria shot of Joe and Sam.  It was used for the advertisment for the GVPM Special Needs Issue.

The story doesn't end there.  I had the pleasure of meeting Barbara Melnyk who is the President of the Genesee Valley Parent Magazine while at CLIX Rochester.  Barbara and I met at CLIX for the photo shoot of the cover of the magazine.  Barbara is such a lovely lady and you can tell that she loves her job helping others.  Barbara introduced me to Austin who is the owner of CLIX.  Austin is another amazing individual who instantly said, "We have to make a video for Sam."  The video is fantastic. I am one blessed individual.

This is a great photo of Jeff, an employee at CLIX Rochester, who was showing Sam his Hasselblad 500C.  The staff was phenomenal at CLIX.  It was a great experience for both of us.

Good things are happening for the Music Therapy and Expressive Arts Program at Hochstein.  I am looking forward to blogging all about it when it happens.

To view the Genesee Valley Parent Magazine's Special Needs Issue and to watch the video of Sam click on

*You can find Sam's photos on his facebook fan page Snapshots by Sam Maloney.

*The background of this blog was a picture that Sam took while looking for Salmon.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

When We Lose the Exceptional Worker

There are times when life gives me challenges with Sam and Autism where I really wonder how I put my feet in front of the other.  It is not Sam himself but the situations that Autism presents that can make life feel unbearable.  The thing that grabbed and chocked me until I felt I couldn't stand it anymore was losing one of our exceptional workers.  There are people that come in and out of our lives and sometimes it happens so fast that all you are left is to say, "Don't let the door hit your behind on the way out!"  Being a single and economically challenged Mom, Medicaid doesn't really leave you with much choice on the care that your child receives when it comes to Community Rehabilitation Services.  In addition, I have no say in who is allowed to work with Sam and the duration of time that they will be with us.

Sam was in the care of a fine gentleman until the agency pulled the plug on the program.  Sam on paper looks like a very challenging child and we were having a difficult time having someone pick him up.  I had the Developmental Disability Service Organization involved and my days were filled with emails and phone calls to countless people trying to find help. Years before I had fought hard for those six hours a week that I had to fill and I was not about to lose them.

An agency finally picked up Sam and I will never forget when the over 6 foot guy walked into our door and said, "Hi! My name is...."  My first thought was "Wow, this guy is cool."  After the introductions all three of us got down to work.

When I think of our worker I think of Sam's photography because this is where a large chunk of time was spent.  Every Wednesday and Friday he would arrive and we would read the comments left on Sam's facebook page, Snapshots by Sam Maloney.  It was this guy that sat with Sam and me putting frames together for Sam's first show.  It was this guy's suggestion that I should put a "Thank You" on the wall for Lumiere Photo that helped with the printing and matting of Sam's work..  Brilliant I say!  Brilliant!  I would have never thought of it.  Our worker made our show better with that suggestion. The one thing that I admired so much was his business sense and suggestions that he would think of as minimal were changing the way I thought of Sam and his photography.

As the weeks went by I would watch and listen on how he worked with Sam. He would give Sam choices and left the decision to Sam on how he might better behave in public.  It was more informative than punitive and I knew that Sam never felt less than as he was thinking about the choices put in front of him.  This is an area that I know I fall short when frustration leaves me speechless.  It was equally as powerful when Sam would have meltdowns over reading his comments and we would sit and wait for Sam to collect himself as the worker explained that these people were supporting Sam and it was Sam that needed to give back.  It was very powerful stuff for sure. There are times when I feel what I call the "Pageant Mom Syndrome" and nobody wants their Mom telling them what to do.  Having someone else giving Sam suggestions is very helpful.

This individual's time with us was cut way too short. It just was not time for him to go because I know there was more to do leaving me with the feeling that we had just gotten started. When I found out that our worker  would be leaving us to work with the more challenging clients I was angry.  I made that very clear to his supervisor.  It takes me days to process difficult information and I am left with sadness.  I have never had a worker make such a deep impression.  To watch him with Sam was nothing short of magical.  I have never seen anything like it and I would be the luckiest of individuals if I had the opportunity to witness it again.

I am going to end this little story about a time that I feel the worker will most remember Sam.  Recently the three of us had gone out for Sam to take some pictures.  Our worker told me and Sam that he looks at the world differently since meeting Sam.  He really didn't think of himself as someone who could take a good picture and was thrilled when I made the suggestion that he find some places for Sam to get a special shot.  We ended up at this ice rink where there was a bridge over a little stream.  He lifted Sam up onto the ledge of the bridge and held him tight so he wouldn't fall.  (No worries, the bridge was surrounded by a fence and it was more of a protection that Sam wouldn't fall backwards.) He was starting to give Sam some direction and said, "You know what, take the picture anyway you want buddy."  I had to laugh because that is often what I say.

It was so much fun to watch a guy and a boy throwing rocks into the stream and then taking a picture.

Kudos for finding a special place to take photos even though it was behind an ice rink.

I cried a lot of tears the day I found out that our time together will be ending. The one thing that really hit me was two phone calls that I received after I found out the news.  One was from a woman that always calls me when she is going someplace fun with her kids asking me if Sam and I want to join them.  The other was from a very dear friend with some really good news for Sam.  Life marches on and I am on a ride with Sam to be enjoyed with the many faces that we are privileged to be around.  I also leave with the knowledge that if I ever need anything, the worker is only a phone call away.

*If you are reading this and say, "Hey, I was a worker with Sam".  I would say that I am 100% positive that since you are taking the time to read up on Sam, you were a very positive influence on us.

*You can find Sam's photos on his facebook page Snapshots by Sam Maloney.

*The background of this blog was a picture that Sam took while looking for Salmon.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our Special Outings

I belong to a very cool Meetup group called Nature Photography.  Meetups is a nationwide program where people do just exactly that, meetup.  I was turned on to Meetups from a very good friend who told me to go online and research Rochester Meetup.  The amount of groups is aweome and anyone can find something that fits their interests.  I have yet to "meetup" with any of these people but I do get great ideas of where to take Sam from the emails that they send me. 

I don't think I could find all of these interesting places without the help from outside resources.  It is amazing that you can live your life in one place and miss all of the beauty that surrounds us.  This is just one more gift that Sam has given me with his photography.  I don't know if Sam truly understand the beauty that comes in through all of his senses but I can say that his visual sense of the world is profound.

It is interesting to me that a person with Autism will walk into a room and see everything.  I can't imagine walking into a room and see walls, pictures, knick knacks, pillows, chairs, tv, stereo, books, games, carpet, pieces of thread, pieces of paper, cracks in paint, blinds, chords from the blinds, curtains, computers and the list goes on.  This is what Sam's sees in our living room and he filters out nothing.  He is bombarded with information all the time.  The beauty of all of this information is seen in his photographs.  There are lines of light, shadows, shapes and beautiful colors.  I am there for every picture that he takes and I don't see what he sees.  How I think he should take the picture is totally different on how he wants to take it and his way is better all the time. 

This is what I do for an outing.  I have kept all of the emails from the Meetup emails in a folder that inform everyone on where they are going to meet.  I look it up and see how long it will take to get there and map out what the day will look like with cost of food, gas ect.  I also use the photography as a social goal and I often call Sam's friend to see if he can come with us.  His name is Kendall and Sam has a much better time with someone to hang out with.  Kendall uses Mina's camera because he doesn't have one of his own.  I used to take Mina with me to scout the area first but I have since stopped that ritual because we are all so very busy.  I just take the plunge and figure out the routes and Kendall, Sam and I discover all of these places together.

This is Chimney Bluffs near Sodus, NY.  Kendall didn't come with us that day.  I just love how the fall leaves frame the photo.

Sam and I went to Corbett's Glen which is in Penfield near our home in Greece.  I remember that day because it was jut Sam and me and I was the one carrying the camera and tripod while hiking on the trails.  I remember taking a photography class and the teacher said that tripods were like dogs, everyone wants to talk with you.  I found out that day that this was very true.  That day was filled with a lot of interesting conversations and I had a blast.  Sam had a good time playing in the stream while taking breaks from taking his wonderful photos.

It is diffcult to choose my favorite from that day so I will pick Mina's .  This is the photo that she wants to hang in her dorm room when she goes to college in the fall.

There are days when I am so tired but as Sam's very dear friend and mentor Nick Kelsh says, "You are only as good as your last photograph."  On this day I took Kendall and another young man, Marcus, with us and unfortunately I didn't have a camera for Marcus but he was a good sport.  Marcus and Kendall live in the inner city and they don't have a chance to travel much out of Rochester so Marcus was psyched for our short trip.  We went to Buttermilk Falls in LeRoy, NY.  I had to call Kendall's Mom, while on the road, for her to look it up online to help us find it.  All three of us ended up on this guy's land and he was a trooper as he explained where we could park on his land to walk to the falls. The kids had a blast skipping rocks in the stream.

This is a photo that Sam edited with Sarah who is his Music Therapist from Hochstein.   This is one of those photos that for some reason speaks to me. This photo is one of my all time favorites. If you look closely, you can see the falls in the background.

This is a picture I took of Kendall.

The three boys hanging together.

Our next trip was to Taughannock Falls that is located in Ulysses, NY.  I was feeling adventurous and decided to make the two hour trip with the two boys. On a Saturday morning I picked up Kendall and headed straight to the gas station and the boys felt like it was Christmas as I bought them snacks after filling up the car.

Once on the road, I realized that I didn't have the directions so I called Kendall's Mom having the toughest time trying to spell a rediculous long name that sounds like tonic with a ka in the middle of it.  The only thing I remembered was Ulysses and Rt. 89 and that is what I put into the GPS. After the snacks were gone the car was filled with "Are we there yet?" and I put the boys to the task of finding an ice cream stand.  Just when Sam couldn't take it anymore we found the tell tale sign of the big wooden ice cream cone.  The ice cream was a wonderful treat for that hot day.

Luck would have it that we were only a few minutes away from our destination and as we approached I heard beautiful sounds of "Woo Hoo!" in the back as we pulled in the parking lot with Sam having the last word of "Finally!"

Our first stop was looking down on the falls.  It was pretty and everything but the boys were more interested in the people that looked like ants down below.  We got back into the car to drive downhill in hopes of finding the trail. We paid for parking and headed towards all the other folks that seemed to know where they were going.  All I can say is that the rest of the day was incredible.

As a result of not scouting the place with Mina, I had no idea how long we would be on the trail.  I promised the boys that they could walk in the stream with the rest of the tourists on the way back to the car.  We finally made it and Sam's picture will not do the falls justice.

I thought this was a cool picture.

The boys skipping rocks.

As promised, the boys walked back to the car in the stream.

*You can find Sam's photos on his facebook page Snapshots by Sam Maloney.

*The background of this blog was a picture that Sam took while looking for Salmon.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Making a Difference: Hochstein's Music Therapy and Expressive Arts Program

It always gives me great pleasure to tell people how they have made a difference in my life.  However today, I would like to talk about Hochstein's Music Therapy Department and Expressive Arts Program and how they have made a huge difference in Sam's life.

Sam's Therapists, Joe and Sarah.

Sam’s early years were filled with chaos as sights, sounds, touches and smells bombarded Sam’s body.  He dealt with his confusion by running, hitting and screaming.  I was often his safe spot while being used as a venting vehicle so Sam could communicate his needs in inappropriate ways.  I was told that he would most likely live out of the home in a residential setting.  I had many interventions during that time and I believe that the people that sent me to Hochstein were the wonderful people of the Crisis Intervention Program at Strong Hospital.

Sam started attending Music Therapy at Hochstein when he was around five years old.  I can still hear his cries as we drove the half hour to his lesson.  I would carry him into the school where he would work with his first therapist, Wade Richards.  Wade would have Sam play on the drums until he felt like he was able to cope.  It was here that I learned about “Sensory Needs” and Sam’s need for deep muscle movement to regulate his emotions.  It was also Wade that helped me fight for a sensory diet in Sam’s school.

After time, Sam made huge improvements where he was better able to cope.  Wade Richards was the Chair of the Music Therapy Department and he took the tough cases.  It was Wade that transferred Sam to Joe Kostecki.  I will never forget the day when I first shook hands with Joe to introduce myself and Sam.

This is Joe and Sam.

I would talk to Joe about how I discovered Temple Grandin and her work.  It was Ms. Grandin’s words that educated me about what Autism was.  Her Mantra is to find the talent and the mentors for our loved ones with Autism.  As I read her many insightful books I was reminded of Sam’s fascination with cameras.  I had a plan to buy Sam a camera and take him on nature walks to take pictures.  I would share with Joe how I would  load the photos onto facebook, have people comment and have Sam read the comments to improve his reading,  I asked Joe to teach Sam how to hold the camera.  It was to both of us a great surprise when Sam started taking wonderful photos.

This was Sam's first picture.

Once I saw Sam’s photos I knew that I needed someone to work with him.   I walked the pavement to find and Expressive Arts Program for Sam.  I was told that Sam had to be 21 to qualify and I refused to wait that long.  Joe Kostecki asked the newly hired Chair, Maria Battista-Hancock, if Sam could be part of the Expressive Arts Program at Hochstein.  Maria said yes.

Maria and Sam playing the Didgeridoo.

Sam works every Monday with Joe Kostecki and they work on regulating his sensory system, developing cognitive skills such as attention and executive functions and using music to improve communication skills.  Joe and Sam often work with his photos and produce music on how Sam perceives how the photos would sound.  I love this because individuals with Autism have a difficult time thinking abstractly and Sam is taking a concrete picture and abstaractly thinks about his perception of the photos. 

Sam now works with Sarah Russell with his photography.  I am amazed on Sarah’s ability to transform from a Music Therapist to an Expressive Arts Therapist.  Sam is the first kid to be part of an Expressive Arts Program at Hochstein and Sarah and Sam have grown together and have made some amazing pieces of photography. 

This is one of their most famous pieces.  It is titled, "Many Green Leaves".

Sam works with Sarah every Tuesday in the high tech computer lab putting his photos in slide shows with “Garage Band” music that Sam composed playing in the background.  Sam works on editing skills in Google Picasa where he learns about such terms as compositions and saturation.  I am able to look at pictures that Sam and Sarah have taken together of the performance hall and feel giddy as Sam excitedly shows me pictures that they took of each other dancing across the shiny wood floor that is the performance stage.  Sarah tells me that Sam now mostly works by himself as he tells Sarah, "I got it".  Sam's independence makes me happy.

This is the picture that Sam took of Sarah.

When Sam first started working at Hochstein I had a fascination with the performance hall.  I though that the performance hall was strictly off limits.  I would sneak in and stand there and wonder what it was like when the hall was a church that housed the Underground Railroad.  I can only imagine what it was like during the memorial services of Frederick Douglas and Susan B. Anthony.  I look at the only 2 standing original set of pews and wonder who sat there. 

The school itself was named after David Hochstein.  David was a violin prodigy and was born to Russian immigrants in Rochester.  He was a composer and played in prestigious places including Carnegie Hall.  David decided to join the army and was killed only 30 days before the Armistice was signed to end the war.  David has been said to be "one of the finest violinists America has every produced".  David was greatly missed and in 1920 it was his patrons and friends who established the David Hochstein Memorial Music School.

Rochester is super rich with wonderful stories formed in history.  Hochstein is one of its most famous of places.  I feel privileged as I sit watching all the different artists walking past me and wonder if they are going to be the future’s superstars.  I chuckle as Sam walks into Hochstein standing out with his camera and tripod which is his instrument that makes beautiful music for our eyes. Everybody at Hochstein has their unique story to tell.  I am happy that I got to tell ours.

Twice a week we walk into these doors.

Different views of the stained glass windows.

Some different views of the stage.

Curves and lines at Hochstein

The piano

Last but not least, the pictures that Sam edited with Sarah.

I salute the staff of Hochstein for teaching Sam that he is a vital part of Society.  I have reached my goal of teaching Sam that he is important.

This is Sam's first self portrait that he took of himself with Sarah in one of Hochstein's dance studios.

*As of today, Sam is reading at a second grade level.  I call this progress.  It is only going to get better.

*You can find Sam's photos on his facebook page Snapshots by Sam Maloney.

*The background of this blog was a picture that Sam took while looking for Salmon.