Monday, December 12, 2011

The Unexpected at the Liberty Pole

Sam and I went out with his friend Kendall to take pictures in the City.  I was all excited because I was going to take the boys to the top of the Hyatt Parking Garage.  Long story short, we were kicked off the garage.  I need to have permission from Hyatt management for Sam to take photos.  Another story for another time.

I announced that our next stop was going to be the Liberty Pole.  "Yeah!" was the response from the boys.  You would think that we were going to see the Statue of Liberty.  Being young is fun.  Sam was all excited as he asks if he can take turns riding his scooter.  I know who will be carrying the cameras.  We park the car and the kids ride up the street.  I could tell that they were more and more excited as we got closer to the Liberty Pole.  First I had Sam take some pictures on the way. 

This is the George Eastman Performance Hall where the Rochester Philharmonic Plays.

This shot was also taken while walking to the Liberty Pole.

One of my favorites of the night.

Finally reaching the Liberty Pole

The Liberty Pole is a steel sculpture on the intersection of Main Street, East Ave and Franklin Street in Downtown Rochester.  The first pole was erected in 1846 and made of wood.  After it fell, a second pole was destroyed after a Christmas storm in 1889.  The third and current pole was designed by James H. Johnson and was erected in 1965.

The literature talks about how the old wood liberty poles were places that people met.  I can imagine the woman in long skirts and men with top hates whispering their love messages, "Meet me at the Liberty Pole."  My minds eye sees horse drawn carriages as people bought their fruits and vegetables at the Farmers Market. 

From my conversations with people it is said that the steel pole was full of controversy.  I guess Rochestarians thought that the steel pole was ugly and useless.  This is the first time I have been to the lit up pole and it is a beautiful site.  Santa Clause and the Rochester Mayer meet the townsfolk every year after Thanksgiving to light the pole.  It is a Rochester Tradition. 

The three of us get closer to the pole as the kids are taking turn on the scooter.  I get Sam all set to take some photos.

This is one of my favorite photos that Sam took that special night.

Sam took this photo soon after we got there.

The Liberty Pole today is a hangout for skateboarders.  It is basically a hangout for kids that have no other place to go.  Kids were filming themselves while performing  their special stunts.  Sam loved this as he went around and around on his scooter.  Suddenly these two guys come driving up and start unloading their sport bikes with their professional cameras.  The skateboarders no longer seemed interesting. 

I introduced Sam and asked if he could take pictures alongside them.  The two young men were having a photo shoot for a sport bike calendar.  It was such a perfect opportunity for Sam.  They set up their equipment and started taking pictures.  These are some of Sam's.

This is one of the guys getting the proper ISO.

This is Sam's picture of the bike.

I don't know which one I like better.

Sam watched as the young men were taking pictures in the street while I was telling Sam how dangerous it was and not to take pictures unless there is someone with him to watch out for him.  "I Know Mom!" was the response I was rewarded with.  We watched for a few more minutes, said thank you to the guys and headed back to the car while taking more pictures.

This is a picture going toward East Avenue.

Black and white.

My favorite of the night.

Last picture taken of the Liberty Pole.

The last photo of the night.

What was Sam's favorite part of our trip?  The guys with the motorcycles.  This is on my top ten best nights because for a short period of time Autism did not exist. 

So my story doesn't end yet.  Sam works with Sarah, his music therapist, at the Hochstein Music Therapy program every Tuesday.  Sarah and Sam work on his photos in the Computer Lab.  This is one of the photos.  Sarah is a very talented therapist and I was thrilled when I saw this photo.

There is a very special facebook site called How to Photograph Your Baby.  It is run by Nick Kelsh.  Nick Kelsh is a remarkable person who I have grown to admire.  His dedication to this site is amazing.  Nick chose this photo to make a Christmas card for Sam.

This was his message to Sam.

For Sam, I love that you've been getting experimental! Isn't picture editing ama...zing?! Great picture of the Christmas light tower. Fantastic.!

I thought you'd like to see a picture I took of myself when I was just a bit older than you are now. I had to do this in the darkroom which you would have loved! (How about those cool glasses?!) Anyway, this is my little Christmas card to you and your family. Thanks for all of your hard word this year and Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful mom! Everyone on this site is so excited to see what you have in store for us next year! I can't wait to get you on the new website that's driving me crazy. Keep up the fantastic work!

I find it amazing that all this happened from one night.

I know that the holidays are over and it is tax time.  I hope Sam's photos reminded you of the magic of Christmas. 

Happy New Year!

Debra Pierce Bellare

One last photo of Sam riding his scooter.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


When I researched the history of watermarks I was blown away.  I dredged through countless pages trying to make sense of what it all means.  There are research papers, blogs and specific web sites that are dedicated to stories about paper mills in the 1300's that used watermarks as their signature of where the paper came from.  Even books have been written about the Bull's Head, Mermaid and Unicorns.  Although it was interesting, it was way over my head so I quit searching.

My nagging question is, "Do I use watermarks on Sam's photos?"  As we all know, watermarks are used so people won't copy your photographs.  I have talked with musicians about how they wish they could watermark their songs.  I know I have an iPod where I have taken music from CD's that I found at the library.  I have so many questions that only time will give me the answers. 

This blog is my happy place where I talk about my adventures with Sam and his camera.  I have to take a pause to ponder this nagging question of watermarks.  It would seem that Sam and I hop in the car and go and take pictures.  This is not the case.  I first have to come up with an idea or a place to take Sam.  I can sit for hours at my computer looking up places of interest.  I often visit the place first to map out where Sam and I will go.  Frustration runs on high when Sam doesn't know where we are.  We then have to get there.  Sam has a friend who we take with his own camera so we drive and get him.  Once we are at the place, Sam and his friend do their best to share the scooter while I carry the cameras.  Walking is involved and Sam gets tired.  Sam gets easily agitated for whatever reason and heavy discussions go back and forth between us as I ask him if he wants to go home.

So why do I bother?  Sam really likes to take pictures.  It is the Autism that gets in the way which can lead to inner conflicts.  There is the social piece where Sam can hang out with his friend.  Sharing Rochester with Sam and his friend is fun.  How many kids hang out with their Mom going on adventures into the City?  Sam and his friend thought it was so cool to get kicked off the Hyatt Parking Garage.  I guess they thought we were snipers.  There are so many stories to tell.

Ok, back to watermarks.  Sam really wants to make some money from photography some day.  I am learning how to make wooden frames.  I have tackled the ability to cut maps.  I have to save up money to buy the map cutter.  I took a class for $90 to learn how to make a professional frame that are shown at galleries.  I can't even imagine the cost of all of the materials.  It takes money to do photography with Sam.  The almighty dollar runs in short supply but I somehow come up with it because it is worthwhile.  As the saying goes, it is what parents do for their kids.

It is true that watermarks take away some of the beauty of the photo.  I don't think I would watermark all of his photos.  I would mark my favorites.  I am hoping that when it is time to put his photos on line to sell I will have worked everything out.  Maybe people would be happy to pay for a signed copy of one of his photos.  A Mom can dream.  For now I am not ready for that bill of sale.  I am just going to continue to take Sam out and have fun. 

I would like to add that anyone can request a photo of Sam's.  Send me a message with your email.  Give me a little story about yourself so I can share it with Sam.  I encourage anyone to request a photo for a fundraising event.  It would be my pleasure to send a framed photo for a good cause.  I know that Sam would like that.

These are some of my favorites.

This is one of the first photos that Sam took with his camera.

Sam took this photo while waiting for the van to warm up.  I was outside scraping the windshield.

* The background of this blog was taken by Sam while he was looking for Salmon.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Making a Difference: Renee Hall

I started thinking about people that make a difference in my life when I good friend compared her life to mine.  I heard exasperation in her voice when she informed me, "You make a difference in people's lives.  I just decorate homes."  I first felt the warmth of the praise and then I felt bad because this person does make a difference.  Who doesn't like a nicely decorated house to calm the nerves.  I grew up in a home where people would arrive for parties and the house would be so clean with the candles burning with dim lights and the smells so pleasing to the senses.  It was very calming.

I don't question if I made a difference in someone's life.  I am to busy to ponder such a specific question.  I do often think about who has made a difference in mine.  More specifically, I ponder the meaning of life and how these people come into my family’s life and change it for the better.  The first person I would like to introduce is Renee Hall of Renee Hall's Photography.

My son’s interest in photography is not to be confused with the all consuming passion for fishing that stems from his diagnosis of Autism.  Photography is something that Sam and I do together and I try my best to make it a social activity.  Every single worker that Sam has, knows of my drive to find opportunities for Sam with his photography.

Sam's and my life changed with one email.  It read, "Deb, I found this on my desk."  I open up the file to see "ARTISTIC A Community Event to Celebrate the Abilities of Children with Disabilities."  Further reading explained that the event was an "Art Creating Day" at Never Say Never Stables in Webster.  The caption read, "Arty people will help you create and therapeutic horses will make you smile!" 

I called the number on the flyer and talked with the coordinator, Kate Clemont, and had a fabulous conversation on how the kids will decorate a small canvas to be hung in an art show.  The artwork would then be auctioned off for Autism Speaks. I asked Kate if Sam could decorate the canvas and put some pictures on it and her warm inviting British voice exclaimed, "Sure! That would be lovely!”  She also told me about how a talented photographer would be there to document the event. 

I found the canvas, bought the small mats and asked Sam if he wanted to participate.  After an enthusiastic "Yes" from Sam we were in business.

The day arrived and it was a blast.  There were animals everywhere.  People were in such a fantastic mood.  There were kids everywhere that had paint up to their elbows that matched their painted faces from the face painting booth.  It was incredible.  I have never experienced anything like it. 

I tried to find the photographer that day and so many things were happening I wasn't able to think straight from the giddiness of having fun. 

These are Renee's photos that I found after the fact.

This is Sam Painting his mats for his pictures.

 Love, Love, Love this photo!

 This is my favorite because Sam is interacting with his "art" buddy and Renee.

Sam and I took the canvas home and we glued the pictures onto the canvas.  Sam had taken photos after all the rain from last spring and he had some great ones.  I drove back out to Webster to hand in the photo collage to Kate.  Her enthusiasm was inspiring.  Sam was all set for his first art show and I was a happy that people were going to see Sam's ability to take great photos. 

This is Sam's finished project.  He titled it "Waterworks".

The big day arrived and Sam and I met Emily, his respite worker.  I felt that all the people there would be a little bit too much and I had Emily meet us to keep him busy.  There were snacks and more face painting.  Cards with Renee's photos on them were being sold. They were phenomenal, absolutely gorgeous.  I couldn't take my eyes off of them.  Kate introduced me to Renee and I instantly asked her if she did senior photos and she said yes.  I had been wondering how I was going to afford Senior Photos for Mina and here was a woman that could take them with a reasonable price.  This story just kept getting better and better for me.

This is Emily and Sam.

In the following weeks Renee and I planned for the senior shoot.  Mina, my daughter, decided that she wanted to go to Renee's favorite place to shoot photos.  Renee chose Tinker Park.  After we arrived I left Mina alone and Sam and I went around to take pictures.

This is one of my favorites.

Sam and I came back to join Renee and Mina.  I asked Renee if Sam could join her in taking pictures of Mina.  Enthusiastically, she said yes.  In my eyes, a great photographer is a person that gets down and dirty.  I was watching Renee on the ground with leaves in her hair not being afraid to get goose poop on her.  Sam was more than happy to join her.  I was in the background being Sam's cheering section apologizing to Renee for being so loud.  She was a trooper.

My favorite photo of Sam's.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I am thankful for meeting Renee.  I am always looking for spots to take Sam and her willingness to share her special spots amazes me. 

I would like to show you one last photo of Renee's.

Isn't that Awesome!

*The background picture was taken by Sam while he was looking for Salmon in the falls.